Pisces people monthly energy guide

  PiscesMonthly energy guide

In January, their ambitions.Pisces: dreamy Pisces person you like, this month can be ready for make, at least focus on a major goal, and perseverance.Jupiter Gu Lian, Pisces people already in the position of the sewn on.

In February, a huge increase in power.Lucky Jupiter moves into god palace, met with omnipotent Mars, Pisces people has become more active.Pisces people will become like ogre - brave enterprising, made good progress, can win.

In march, prevail.Good luck Jupiter, is still in the life within a palace, Pisces people feel more optimistic than ever before.Remember, don't Dally away good luck.

In April, the infinite trust.Pisces people has been alienated from the hope to be close to their opposite sex, although he (she) is not a Pisces people ideal character, but is still essentially the same sincere, sensibility and hurt, that's what he (she) is willing to love at even greater risk.Pisces people why not give it a try?

In may, the hard life.Because working relationship, Pisces people want to go out on business from home several times.Due to the power of Pluto in career palace, has been guiding the Pisces, so temporarily clear was scheduled.Tell the boss for business, the midnight to consolidate its position in the company.

In June, hesitantly.Evidence palace by the sun, mercury and Mars, now couples together with Pisces people hope, Pisces people are still in the stage of observation.Don't work but ignored his (her), should be more with him (her) into the candlelight dinner, and let him (her) know clearly: you are not ready to step into church together with him (her).

In July, the way of dating.Work shift or mobilized, Pisces people too busy to meet with friends, there is a feeling bad fish left the water.Although the Pisces men are not always convener of the party, but this time should be actively planning a big party.After that, can also plans to meet next time.

In August, the practice has a price.Summer, Pisces people may only half of the fun days, but due to the sun in the health, will eventually determined to fitness.Try running in circles, it is one of the best comprehensive sports.Such as Pisces people took part in water sports, can be felt by exercise results.

In September, cool phase.Review the relationship with friends and love, love is this month the proposition of the game.Inspired by the power of Jupiter in Pisces love dream star area, and the sun shines Pisces people of actress intrauterine partner palace, the forced marriage will not cause conflict resolved.Because each other's argument is still the same thing, so don't want to this problem.

In October, tighten spending.Luxury back to Jupiter, and moves into Pisces people money $palace, Pisces people should avoid spending is excessive, but shall not be a large amount of money to spend and surprised, because only temporary.

In November, the fat food difficult.A colleague try to share the achievements of Pisces people work hard and try more generous, and some experience tell her (him).Even if the problems solved, but a Pisces people still feel to find more opportunities to make money, might as well read, sometimes league strike can bring.

In December, sense a touch.A significant change in the work, provides the Pisces people with great ideas.Pisces people to use their own instincts, to determine next year's efforts to target.Now want to try harder, to fully toward this direction.

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