Scorpio people monthly energy guide

  ScorpioMonthly energy guide

In January, house restless.Severe Mars is in evidence, to increase the chances of conflict with his family.If failed to reconcile atmosphere in your home, do not reluctantly.26 left, Mars will be in the home harmony calm reply.

In February, unbosom.Love to express their Jupiter, unfathomable, which makes them more open Scorpio people want their feelings openly, especially in the face of his (her).Must practice in front of the mirror, intuition will teach Scorpio people say the right words.

In march, hoes before bros.The sun, mercury and Jupiter and Mars the quartet knot in feelings, Scorpio people will focus on my love life.13 but a solar eclipse on the same day, remind Scorpio man dating palace: a neglected friend also need caring, call her (him)!

In April, heavy work.This month, cause palace in the sun, mercury, Mars and Jupiter quartet, under the influence of that makes them day and night, without a solution to work.Alone, however, an important opportunity, at the Scorpio people get a long-awaited short breaks.

In may, proper rest.The nervous Uranus, Scorpio people are suffering from stress, like a full bow.Rather than sit stem worried, try relaxation techniques, such as gym, yoga, learning, take a deep breath, if all is invalid, try hiking.

In June, honest.The sun, Mars and mercury joins in the outgoing duo, induce hidden, which makes them also want to share your feelings with others.

In July, a tooth for a tooth.Concentrate on the sun and the moon in the creative, in 23 influences the palace for Scorpio people have enough ability to he (she) is still on the job with color, show don't want to keep silent, to take this opportunity to give your boss a deep impression.

In August, the harvest time.Into goods $11, the fickle Pluto palace, so good investment, if really lucky to learn, when 22 active social life, will be very willing to share their wealth with friends.

In September, quick decision.Scorpio sun advice on dating palace, make people understand that don't need a friend disloyal.8 or 9, and the moon in reckless ram area, although to her (him) directly show their feelings to the 21st or 22nd, when the moon to peace-loving scales, might as well a little smooth, if finally she (he) is still not honest with each other, so a temporary freeze on the friendship.

In October, step-by-step.The sun and Venus in sleek scales, make Scorpio people off armour, especially when

He (she) after and low v honeyed words.Don't let around their feelings curtain wall had been broken, pv films will remove the benefit.

In November, the way of investment.Investment has not a Scorpio man's strengths, but Pluto force Scorpio people consider investing some money on some high-yielding projects.In a social situation of each month, will meet many investment genius, might as well listen to their free professional advice.

In December, too, that is.Although got a month early investment advice, but best after 11, were so obsessed, due to add to subtract.

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