Aquarius: introduction

  Aquarius:Introduction to the

(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)

Aquarius is associated with the wind, so people like the freedom to independence, Aquarius for this constellation, the worst treatment is shut him in a room, so no matter how comfortable, had no freedom to speak to him.For Aquarius, and the other is a sure thing: nothing can not be sure, he's so unpredictable, rebellion and original creation.

1. Aquarius myths and legends

In the gods of Olympus. Temple set functions, drink wine's tal.This is responsible for the display of the daughter of Zeus and Hera, princess wehbe.Wehbe of the United States, but in the marriageable age, for the son of Zeus and glassTo get marriedSo can no longer serve as wine duties.Zeus was looking for a successor.One day Zeus mundane, they found a beautiful young sheep, as heron took hold of him.Young is renamed kanimeideshi, silk shepherd.Zeus had given him forever

Light, but it must be to life as wine duties.Kanimeideshi feel very glorious, always hard work.deep

Touched of Zeus, was filled with wisdom gave him a bottle of water, also be blocked for heaven in the future, Aquarius.

Does Aquarius properties

Aquarius is the last air sign, like space, freedom and independence.

Does Aquarius symbol

By a dump in the bottle, the fountain of wisdom represents the Aquarius intellectual and rational, make itThe zodiacOne of the most intelligent of the zodiac.

Does Aquarius guardian planet

Uranus is ruled by Aquarius, god's only euler, was the ruler of the universe

Learning is rich, has also predict the future of magic power, under his watch, the wisdom of Aquarius is indisputable.

Does magic Aquarius

His humanitarian spirit and artistic taste, rich in originality, gave him a slightly mysterious characteristics, so that the infinite charm.At the same time, he fully the beauty and wisdom of life manner you also like him.

Does deficiency in Aquarius

Aquarius people completely impractical.Their carelessness, constantly make the same mistake, never give a person with any form of commitment.

2. Aquarians stardom does lucky color: green.

Does lucky stone, amethyst.

Does lucky Numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31.

Does your lucky day: on Wednesday.

Does lucky place: busy place and metropolis.

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