Taurus dating relationship with 12 zodiac signs

  TaurusA dating relationship with the 12 zodiac signs

Taurus VS.Aries

Sheep sheep and cattle although nothing big fierce combination, but two people's personality is really to, get inspired when people around to knead the cold sweat!This is acute infantile convulsions met slow matching card shark, how also not compatible, but also can be complementary.

Our secret: sheep sheep mad but very scary, but they usually have no persistence, having gas five minutes clean forgotten;Niuniu can before this time, just didn't discuss the matter with that, anyway, at this moment the sheep sheep are too lazy to say more than that, all the results or as niuniu intend to complete.This solution is good don't hurt again amiable, is again good also does not have!

When the cow cow and sheep sheep players must remember, goat once crazy up, but was very frightening, but fortunately, they usually have no persistence, having gas just five minutes, finally look so niuniu can take at this time, wasn't finished discussing things with that, at this time of the goat is too lazy to say more than that, all the results according to niuniu intend to complete!

Taurus vs. Taurus

This pairing or very fit, or dissatisfaction with each other, the two collided stone, serious but can beat, for matching two cows, can only see the opinions of the two is not identity, otherwise it is not very optimistic.

Our secret: niuniu when dealing with practical, remember to put all possible profits and reason to come out, because the chip if enough to attract people, no matter how much cost, niuniu is Ken!!!!Innate personality careful calculation and strict budgeting, let the cattle to know what is the highest profit, so remember to take some sincerity out!You will find that the original can also be very cooperative partner!

Put out all possible profits and reason, if the chip is attractive enough, niuniu will Ken!Natural wisely let cattle to know what is the highest profit, so get some honest, shop keepers can points out, together, you will find that the original can also be very cooperative partner!And the degree of force absolutely let you satisfied completely from ear to ear.

Taurus VS.Gemini

Niuniu and constellation Gemini is a little fate, two people together are appropriate, of the cattle let fly a Gemini can be settled down to a little, and a flexible twin does not mind too stubborn, together of the time is very smooth!

Our secret: for Gemini niuniu has always been based on constant should be change, but how do you say to a Gemini are quite popular, always have so many friends around, said niu don't worry about it is deceptive, and Gemini always with words of truth and lie, really it is difficult to understand them, so niuniu just believe in yourself, also believe that the other party, otherwise there would be fewer live just scared for several years.

Niuniu if tolerant Gemini are good;Because go out for a Gemini most just to play, play tired or want to go home, niuniu tolerance and stability of the Gemini people would feel a sense of security, or will you then come back.So niuniu don't put a stepmother or after dad face old, but that will force the Gemini are running away from home!But also fled to find anyone!

Taurus VS.cancer

It is the combination of a group of good friends, if we can together, know each other would be a couple, especially the pursuit of stability, both makes the relationship once established there is unlikely to have any big changes, feeling is not very intense, but can be very long.

Knows our secret: the crab is niuniu, niuniu is also quite knowA crabIn what to think, whenever the crab began to entertain foolish ideas and hysteria, niuniu just assumed a sky is falling and it doesn't matter, the crab can get enough sense of security and to be quiet, so quite rely on cattle crab stands, niuniu, of course, also can take care of the crab, the two sides is very close, actually the difference is not big.

Seriously, the crab is very need cow a sense of stability, but niuniu is too stubborn, cancer will resist, then cattle just a magny cours, because once the crab feel comfort or attention is easier to persuade, don't put on a plan to cancer and reasoning about what is like, even if you have, or tune your crab unhappy.

Taurus VS.Leo

This two zodiac signs but famous rival, if touch together, it really need a lot of ZhuFuCai lines, both of them are die-hard, in particular, there were no compromise this two word in the dictionary, so once had the opportunity to the right on, that's a very serious thing.

Our secret: the two constellations who no one strong weak this kind of problem, who beat up, who also don't lose, lions seem a bit more attention, but even if the world people worship him, cows don't eat his a, can only say that because Leo have public foundation, so the force is strong, but niuniu attaches great importance to the reality, if the lion can, an example is given to prove that they are right, it will be persuaded to niu niu.

To solve Leo is actually very easy, as long as the praise and worship him, every day to say anything.But it happened that cattle is the most despise glib, plus they insist on the principle of individual character, don't laugh at the lion is very good, so the result is always a helpless, actually niuniu might as well let oneself habit praises this happen, will make you and a lion to get along with the odds!

Taurus VS.virgo

Everybody envy it is a stable combination, plus the devoted person, although they are restrained so that worked when you are with the tacit understanding, is no more so than.This combination is hard work, will run two people together in the future.

Our secret: the virgin tender elegance is the fan dead cattle, for niuniu virgo the most fit their ideal, so is rarely, if it doesn't add these days not many people know implicitly, virgins of smart or gentleness elaboration literally as are enough to fall in love, niu niu and virgin know niuniu, but doesn't necessarily understand virgo, niuniu is really not fair!

Virgo is very need someone to accompany, combined with their own complex, ox while it is difficult to understand them, but as long as keep confident and steady, give the most considerate take care of virgins, can win their love, of course, communication is very important.If we can know virgin view of things, can easily grasp their mood, of course, so also will have more chance!

Taurus VS.libra

Taurus and scales is a bit of a close and doesn't sit well with the combination of the two have a lot of the same place, but also have very different views, so two people exactly what still depends on the fate, but when together, you will probably develop for a long time.

Our secret: anything to niuniu based on actual investigation of individual character, scales is more romantic, they have very strong requirements for aesthetic feeling, so full of elegant temperament, it really attract attention to sense of cattle, with scales natural gentle and polite, will always be welcomed by all of us, it may also be a bull never run the place, let niuniu is appreciate and admire for them.

Scales most attaches great importance to the fair, also like romantic way when it comes to love, so get to each other when we should pay attention to fairness, niu niu and don't forget the flowers in the romantic gifts, romance or some surprisingly expect them to move, as long as you are willing to take a state of mind, a good atmosphere at the time of special operation, touches scales, it will make you satisfied with the two people get along with, libra.

Taurus VS.Scorpio

This is a very special combination, though full of other people don't understand the appeal, but is difficult to clear the result of the stand or fall together, because two people's personality difference is very big, the cause of the features are not only attracted to each other, is causing factors.

Our secret: in fact no difference on the strength of the two people a lot, but in general, the cow stable temperament let like Capricorn, filled with independent, niuniu put on himself knew it would be easy to notice the cattle.The combination of the two zodiac signs are very has the charm, bull seat features for Capricorn is full of attracted him close to allure, and instead, niuniu is passive side more often.

Cattle seat as long as quietly, even if know Capricorn in what to do, also want to show restraint composed attitude, this didn't move a mountain of temperament is the favorite Capricorn, remember, don't chew it like a housewife, more don't mind the Capricorn will be the more curious to you, so just do your own thing, keep your characteristic, can easily cause the scorpion's interest in you.

Taurus VS.Sagittarius

This is a very special combination, though full of other people don't understand the appeal, but is difficult to clear the result of the stand or fall together, because two people's personality difference is very big, the cause of the features are not only attracted to each other, is causing factors.

Our secret: Sagittarius cheerful tact is more popular attention, when two people together when there may be some people don't understand why generous striker and reserved conservative cattle together, in fact, cattle for striker intelligent feel very surprised, before you know it is drawn, and striker enthusiasm bold will bring out the enthusiasm of niuniu oneself also don't know, let niuniu completely irresistible.

From this combination niuniu is looking a bit shaky, but in fact, the striker is like cattle self confidence, so the mood of niuniu just stay at home, especially when faced with a striker, although use your self-confidence, so the strikers will appreciate you!For Sagittarius absolute freedom and self-confidence, usually do so it will make your Sagittarius can not do without you.

Taurus vs. Capricorn

This is also a strong combination, if both parties can make a successful match, then is to destroy them, because they not only on personality right, the target is usually the same, so even if there is no life, is usually long.

Our secret: niuniu is than Capricorn lazy so little, at least in its monarch earth, Capricorn is actually more eminently, and since both of them beat a day, niuniu might as well take it to that plan to Capricorn is responsible, after any problems are taken by him, not only easy, natural love responsible Capricorn will like this arrangement, is really serve several!

The two men are close rivals, mainly because of two people is too much, even with all the different places you can absolutely can complement each other, nothing to intrigue, even is a lover and Allies.Have niuniu steadfast efforts with Capricorn smart planning, don't take it is difficult to all over the world, and now that each other are so important, more cost-effective and trust each other, help each other.

Taurus VS.Aquarius:

This is a probably incompatible pairing, because the difference of two people, can from the earth to the moon!So if you have a chance to match, will need to spend a lot of time to adjust the difference of two people, otherwise not so optimistic!

In fact the two constellations is able to compete with each other, but a little more than the bottle and the weakness of niu niu so lost chance also is larger.If two people argue, niuniu's biggest problem is that they than a bottle of bottle of "saving face", and this for bottle a idea how to care about others, there is insignificant, the results do down, lose, of course, is niuniu!

Our secret: for bottle's behaviour and impractical, niuniu is totally unacceptable, since can't accept, so the best way is adopted a policy of no man!Plus the bottle was born desire for freedom, let them, opinion is good, normal and let the bottles found you is so rational and good communication is not necessarily true) (of course, they will agree with you very much!

Taurus VS.Pisces

This is a combination of a lazy, two people are born lazy, together, is also actually appreciate, so is the combination of speed dating, especially two people will be able to guess each other's heart, always is fairly warm romantic couple.

Our secret: niuniu take good care of fish, especially at the time of fish was a bit upset, showing all you don't have to worry about appearance, fish fish will ease down.Fish a little love, always will appear ambiguity phenomenon, be careful attention to niu niu, give him the opinions of the resolve, not to help him solve can also, anyway, see the fish, quickly to solve the problem.

Niuniu is actually more to take care of the fish, fish, and always wander too fish fish is very dependent on real cattle, plus niuniu natural composed is reliable to the person, make fish very have safe feeling, for a long time will be so addictive!Niuniu is of course very like fish tender and thoughtful and careful character, but how to calculate no fish so rely on to niuniu come oh!

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