How much male flower heart

How much male flower heart _ the zodiac

Some people say that a man is like an onion, when you put it in tears after peeling layers, you will realize it is not the heart.The man of flower heart, won't put a heart only in oneA womanDaughter, flower flower flower world, the poor world.The zodiacThe boy flower heart index and how high?Let's take a look at.

Male flower: 94 points.

Pisces mind think love is love actually.In front of the person you like, they can let the other side there is a queen, they are always careful in love with each other, because they are too care about the feelings of others, it is easy to lose yourself.When they lose yourself very need comfort, at that time, are they will easily lead to go toward others, for comfort.


Alas!I am in a bad mood.

Painted painted painted painted flower heart index index to resist temptation

Scott's chances of Pisces men are usually very high, in fact he also didn't mean it, just a Pisces man very compassionate, based on the flow by love this case, at first just sympathize with each other, care each other, a kind of like maternal instinct, feel each other is very poor, need to family care, have never thought to take care of in the end was moved at that time the feeling, move feeling is just finished, it is very easy to move the true feelings.Therefore a Pisces man when he is in a bad mood, or other people in a bad mood, it is easy to accidentally pedal boat.

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