How much libra men flower heart

How much libra men flower heart _ the zodiac

Some people say that a man is like an onion, when you put it in tears after peeling layers, you will realize it is not the heart.The man of flower heart, won't put a heart only in oneA womanDaughter, flower flower flower world, the poor world.The zodiacThe boy flower heart index and how high?Let's take a look at.

Libra men flower heart index: 85 points.

Points of libra in appearance, they always do things is very smooth, not too direct refuses a request.If face different kind in love, they don't have the heart to refuse, leading them to better.In the eyes of others, they are a good man, in helping the others on the surface, but in fact they are very enjoy the feelings of them.


And would only say ~ good!

Painted painted painted painted painted flower heart index index to resist temptation

Libra boy Scott, it is easy to be usually libra boy, enjoy very much, also very much like the popular taste, he likes to please everyone, among friends, will be accepted.Actually in addition to his kindness, there is also another characteristic, is that he does not want to offend anyone, he also wants every girl all like him very much, Scott. So he is very easy toWhen someone else to affection for he said, he don't know how to refuse, not only will fear of hurting people, under the result, he is very easy to form a flower heart of the situation, also often being criticized by people is the first name of flower heart.And met such trouble, he will know how to solve it.Basically, he does not want to solve and adopts the method of escape, but the escape, others will only chase him tighter, at the end of the spread, libra boy is difficult to pick up.

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