The tide of Aquarius marriage pattern and location

  Aquarius:The tide of marriage pattern and location

The tide of Aquarius marriage 'model and location _ the zodiac

Aquarius: marriage

Aquarius maverick, elves odd ideas different from others, in their view, rather than waste to lay the good things come to an end, always pay attention to the form of the wedding, more respect for the wedding itself, rather than let it return to simple plain nature, will not lack of romantic style, also, the choice of marriage, can make the wedding cost greatly reduced, but not the joy of harvest was weak, but improved greatly with pleasure and satisfaction!

Warehouse, avant-garde wedding only bottle will like it

Aquarius is often referred to as "genius constellation" or "constellation" in the future.Is a typical idealism and humanitarian;They believe that the world has its own justice, so the spirit of reform (or revolution) are common.The sign of the alternative must use special venue for the wedding.Those of a romantic, classic, natural all set aside.Warehouse and creative park will make their eyes a bright, they will make the wedding a crazy party!

Aquarius:grapesWine manor

Aquarius people when planning a wedding, will unexpectedly style wedding location is preferred, rather than blindly pursue.But for the bottle, creative screening are also important factors.But the most can satisfy the bottle wedding fantasyTo get marriedAnd the wine.Coagulation and heavy solemnly European castles, endless grape plantation, the bride and groom is here set the wedding vows, symbol of the rich and wonderful life after marriage.When the wedding ended, can also with guests share of farm produce quality wine, cheers, raise my glass to happy future together!

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