Aquarius: love is the most unstable period

Aquarius: love is the most unstable period of _ the zodiac

Every love to after meet, get to know each other, know each other, love each other, the process of though love is basic it is beautiful memories, but also is not plain sailing, some couples will feel personalities clash at first, also not be valued by people, but by understanding each other mutual sacrifice, insist on down;Also some couples let a person feel childhood friends at first, but get along for a long time on both sides of the faults is magnified a thousand-fold, let's go and have a look togetherAquarius:Love what's the most unstable period.

Aquarius: being forced marriage

Aquarius love logic is not bound by general marriageable age or social values, they can pursue both because each other with happy, calm the spirit of love.Even when it comes to marriage, personality, thoughts are close to nod.If only because of age or not important reason made him for himTo get married, it is easy to cause a big rebound.

Aquarius: do as you would, in still can cause instability

Aquarius people like freedom, anaerobic, disgust, and physical control by anyone.Accordingly, if the other half happens to be rules, requirements, and always love you don't want to say, do strong, to send bottles to say, to do it, can cause bottle the mood of the rebound.Because water can't stand to speak, to do things will be constrained everywhere, is scheduled to be instructions, lost free writing space, can no longer own, can make bottle is very uncomfortable.

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