Leo is the most afraid of

  LeoThe most afraid of what

Leo is the most afraid of

The appearance of you present to the outside world, will always be confident and strong, elegant.But if the lion would honest heart, will find that you fear most, in fact is not to be noticed by the outside world, appreciation and value, because they will strongly impact your self-confidence.

Leo is the most afraid of three things:

1. Traders sold to remote villages to a local when the wife.

2. The sulfuric acid was poured on the face, turned out to be ugly.

3. Can't find a job, had to go to the side of the road selling baked sweet potatoes.

The lion (fear of face)

Leo like a born leader, ingenious, and they are really competitive, and self-esteem is very strong, so for Leo's aggressive, the most afraid of is losing face.

Leo: afraid of losing the feeling of love.

This is to let he think he is disabled, no longer romance, passion, no longer will no longer be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, face every day is a daily necessities sauce vinegar tea, he will lose all the majestic demeanor, because such eyes also there will be no light, so that he will not love you, he knows.How to extend the love, not just the commitment to heel, he is still trying to.

Leo is the most afraid of be said nowadays

Leo believe they naturally endowed with special talents, the temperament of the king not to imitate others.They like to feel the kind of ambition, and many times is not lazy, nor knows nothing but pretends to know, but very like the guide others, leadership team a sense of achievement.If because there is no actual begins, they said they have grandiose, will certainly be hated by Leo.Envy envy hate uninflected, question the ability of the lion will not.

Leo is afraid to love

Leo people extremely self-esteem, once the most afraid of fall in love, don't have any pride, present a low profile in front of love, survive, most afraid to love, let them feel despair.In fact they heart, full of insecurity, if this is love, is better than that don't natural and unrestrained.For a lot of things in the beginning, he anticipated pessimistic ending in the future.Just for this, he rarely shows.At the same time, he know the heart of the complex and dark, his innocence, he would not go to think too complicated, rather than not.

Leo: the most afraid of Capricorn

The lion is always a face of anger from the power of expression, as if the other people all owe his should surrender to him.But presumably poker face?You think the second, and no one dare to recognize the first.

Although Leo already very strong, but Capricorn is a disdain to argue with you I'll want to do.When absolute control in the face of its own will, so any control into the empty words, Leo kingship in the front of the person born finally Capricorn is useless at all.

And Capricorn can always occupy the upper hand on moral, every time a confrontation, everybody support must be polite to mild Capricorn is not a face of smelly fart also very proud Leo.Leo infinite anger also nowhere to vent it's pathetic.

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