Virgo is the most afraid of

  virgoThe most afraid of what

Virgo is the most afraid of

Honor in deed "kind of person you are, to the things around in your under reasonable control operation.You most afraid of losing order, or tell other people don't listen to myself.Anyway as long as there is confusion, you will avoid you.

Virgo is most afraid of three things:

1. To fly,The cockroach, andThe mouseConfined in a small room.

2. They are infected with the AIDS by disorderly behaviour.

3. Being accused virgo is the most disgusting constellation.

Virgo (make mistakes)

Virgo who is a perfectionist loyal winter powder, they treat everything in pursuit of perfect as far as possible, so didn't match up, so they fear most is to make mistakes, because they think it is very difficult to forgive.

Virgo: afraid of commitment

Lest they should do.Would be so worried because he is with a conscience, he really knows what is everlasting, what is what is done cannot be undone, is not the literal meaning, he knows all the details make the commitment to achieve.In other words, he does not believe that the human nature, there is no perfect, people change, and although he hope he can, as a result, the glue between the truth and the truth.

Virgo is the most afraid of is said one track-minded

Pursuit of perfection has always been a virgin passion.They are willing to spend a few times more than other people, time and energy to complete a perhaps a lot of people think is not important, but as long as it is a virgin like, even if the pain also feel happy.They can for themselves, but don't allow others to say the pursuit of the perfect behavior model is equal to one track-minded, not to be stubborn and not begin to understand, it's just you complacent.

Virgo: afraid of being cheated

Virgo man derailed fear of love, because of their strict self, can't accept the status quo, their attitude is very seriously, for relationship also have like radar detection ability, to perfect recognize advantages, in the face of the emotional decisions, calm and awake, is to fear yourself like a fool has been tricked, being cheated.Sedate and intellectual virgins, nature also have weak, in front of the person you like, it's hard to self-restraint, but relatively speaking, always keep a little bit of a clear, if it is really the other made excuse me to do your own thing, there's bound to be a knife cut the string.

Virgo: fear mostPiscesrival

What is called, everything has its vanquisher. Too much it is for this reason.Virgo is always stronger than others, and others for the first of everything, but like a scholar met soldier rational couldn't say for sure, met the Pisces virgo will be instantly speechless.

Virgo is always about things with a very reasonable planning, so the most afraid of that kind of people who do not to upset routines play, it happened that Pisces is the most funny that kind of person, as long as it is know Pisces man who does not know ah, and Pisces competition?You ill he copied, you cursed him a face of poor, you scold him not affected.

So this is aristocracy and grassroots confrontation, because Pisces have a plenty of fight virgo means but virgo is always above the use of any means.

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