Leo: brokenhearted empress

How will Leo brokenhearted empress _ the zodiac

Lovelorn is often happened on the way to love, different people for the lovelorn is different, some people after brokenhearted soon return to normal life, but some people can't put down, can perhaps looks like laughing, but when a person is in secretly cry, let's go and have a look togetherLeoWhat happens to them after brokenhearted.


Being hurt heart lions very put down their self-esteem.But the pride of lions will still looked up and move on.They are afraid of being hurt again, night will make them vulnerable, and need someone to help heal itself, and this need is better than his own pride.

Will go to the seaside hair drier, you said you are afraid of the sea there are sharks, die all don't go to the seaside, live more offshore, now finally have the opportunity to canThe seaThe romantic...

Leo:Because love threesome because love can hate

Leo who once fell in love with, it is bound to do everything we can heart to love TA, but if two people break up but eventually came to this step, it makes the better Leo, no matter how to also can't imagine how proud of yourself through brokenhearted of the day.Impetuous, they may be in order to recover the original sense of self-respect, save each other's feelings, in the case of sanity, take some means of radical, entanglement, threat, revenge and even hurt each other.


A lion even if love is quite arbitrary and terrible, like their sweet happiness everywhere, but once brokenhearted, it becomes a helpless little cat, hide in no one place, alone lick wounds.Don't like the surface looks as get afford to put down, facing the brokenhearted of pain, they will be to lost love is full of wonderful memories and fantasies, or indulge in the game world, escape from reality, either from going to bed early to night, until fully out of the lovelorn shadow, would restore confidence.

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