How to get the Leo's heart

How to get the Leo's heart _ the zodiac

In your side will have someone you like or want to contact, but you don't know what way to approach them, each person's personality and preferences are different, if improper interactions, can not get the desired results not may even make you become more and more far, the distance between let's go to have a look at how to getLeoIn the heart.


Leo people most like to become the focus of the eyes, high above the feeling will make them happy.If you want to get your Leo's heart will suit the remedy to the case, ensure that blow in.During may invite them to dinner, can always sincerely praise them, his eyes often look them, when they look to you, your eyes is full of light.So it is easy to get Leo people's heart.

Leo man

Extremely difficult, not to please a male lion.Yes, in the history of the most difficult to please sign, is a big lion.This constellation has always been very proud, proud when eyes hold any at all.But don't worry, everything has its Nemesis, for male lions, they cannot resist most pleasing, is you always shows worship eyes, as long as you are always playing a small fans, will gradually very easy to get to their tears.

The lion female: well between "karstens" and "big brother" switch.

The lion goddess need is what?Certainly not a burly man more than her, because like "high above the" lion female, absolutely hold others (especially of the opposite sex) to her boss.So in most of the time, in the face of a lion goddess to lower their figure, is a good choice, but don't put the "low profile" as their normal state, rather than at some point incarnate into "close brother," the lion goddess some advice gently but firmly, let her feel you mature.Both is the hard truth!

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