Taurus is liao of self-control

  TaurusBy liao of self-control

Taurus is liao of self-control

Taurus is pulled to self-control

Your self-control is also difficult to guarantee absolute and easy to emotional, you one day in a bad mood, may be tempted, infidelity, it seems you also see the timing, even though you are cautious, but in the face by liao, how many or some enchanted, your self-control, five hundred and fifty.

Taurus man: worry about money

Taurus is considered very realistic, he don't know why sister active with oneself, want to want to go, don't think a lot of reasons, he may only because each other after their own economic strength, in fact Taurus should weigh yourself if you really have economic strength?But whether he have economic strength she will worry about the problem of money, he will be afraid of each other so active, is certainly a figure, he was most worried about each other next sentence is asking for gift, he doesn't know how to settle in the face of such a thing?So he could immediately take each other WeChat blocked, afraid of each other to a red envelope.

The Taurus woman

Taurus consider very comprehensive and practical, she don't know why the other active with her, want to want to go, she will feel a lot of reasons to not too.He is in what purpose?Money?Beauty?Or...Taurus I don't know how to settle in the face of such a thing?So she could immediately turned and walked away.

Taurus is snatched the self-control related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query