The happiness of the Gemini love is deadly serious

The happiness of the Gemini love deadly serious _ the zodiac

Marriage and love, who you always two people together through ups and downs will feel the true love bring happiness.Will inevitably exist on the way to love, some people insist on not ending always regret, the key word to belowGeminiSmall partners, hope you can love more happy for a long time.


In the journey of life, little by little we know, the best love, is not the ups and downs, like earlier, but a cup of warm water, not with the outside world changes and changes, not by time migration and transfer, give you eternal warm.

"Love the highest state of stand insipid time flies.Sometimes happiness is like a hand in the heart of sand, the more tight grip, lost the faster;Sometimes happiness is as a flower from shore, faintly visible, but can't touch.Calm life, it will be less rage, impatient, and all things are possible to pursue a calm.The thing in a calm, what can't solve?

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