This happiness love is deadly serious

This happiness love deadly serious _ the zodiac

Marriage and love, who you always two people together through ups and downs will feel the true love bring happiness.Will inevitably exist on the way to love, some people insist on not ending always regret, the key word to belowcancerSmall partners, hope you can love more happy for a long time.


If you want to be loved, you must first make ourselves worthy of love, not one day, a week, but forever!

Love need each other to open up, table relate to each other, confide all his thoughts.Hidden here, not frankly behavior, is selfishness.

When love is right, don't injustice on, as long as casual, each other without too much pressure, also don't believe that perfect love.In fact, as long as you know, no one is perfect, everyone has faults, a kind of pure lovely is enough, a real life.

This happiness love is deadly serious

The duke of zhou interprets of query