How to identify the Taurus to a person keen

How to identify the Taurus to a person keen _ the zodiac

Do you know whether I really love a man?Sometimes although oneself to like a person, but his mouth say don't like, oneself also comfort myself just do ordinary friends, in fact all kinds of behavior in imperceptible in, have sold your let's take a look at how to identify withTaurusTo a person keen.


You mean is well known, because you want to take something that belongs to you, even the feelings, too, if you are keen to one person, you'll want to possess ta, ta all, ta have contact with any one of the opposite sex you get jealousy, threat of jealousy, and I don't know which come of courage, to take the initiative to declare their own sovereignty first!

How to identify the Taurus to a person matters to the relevant content

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