Taurus is a how of person

Everyone is an independent body, have their own thoughts, have their own personality, have their own way of life, want to be good or bad, even a ordinary people, is not others can decide, as we know,The zodiacToday, all have their own different characteristics, the analysis of the small make up take you one by one, they are the kind of person?

What kind of person is the Taurus _ the zodiac

TaurusMost are a mainstay of the society, life will have emotional appeal very much, very greedy, is good at playing, some very popular, some popularity is not so good.Work can be very industrious, they will be very clear positioning, mostly is potential shares.Taurus will be very family, they are real, if you don't to play will make them very angry.Is still very serious love.

Taurus is the man who is a person who like to walk in his philosophy of life.You don't easily change their habits.Stubbornness has obvious feature of your character, is also the main drawback of you.Normally mild-mannered, once by anger, you will be daunting.Taurus strong family values, you put the household heaven and earth as their own happiness and live the life of reliable temple.You love children more than anything else, and had high hopes for you.

Gourmet beauty.Stay stable appearance look a bit.Frowsty coquettish, a slow slow slow response, speaking after considering the still hurts, enjoy being a girl fell after (but not make public.Accept affairs such as ons to dispel the lonely boring movement, but not really emotional.The experience of first love can affect his entire love even outlook on life.Seemingly simple but in fact have internal talented girl like, and preferably with a little bad, let him.Let him understand it at the first sightA womanHe do not have what interest and enthusiasm.Money is in dispute, after confirm the relationship with the woman will be easy to spend money.

A prodigal, through more than half a China.Love freedom don't like bound, but she asked her absolute duty, male chauvinism, intense mental cleanliness.Won't be spun, will say malicious words, escape from the king.All friends, good business mind (all related with the word of money).

Summary: from the Taurus man outside receive nervous to inner core induction is to run a certain distance, so, in turn, see, they want to express what is tortoise speed running from internal to external.Their enthusiasm will not suddenly burst open, all the girls need is persistent in place of the penetration.Most of them has a remarkable tolerance, not easy to see that the novelty and heavy carnal.

Food ".Travel impulse disorder (power line with the wishes), semi-closed state character half open, in addition to the other can talk about their feelings, an open mind and don't want to bound.There will be a crazy idea, but the behavior is more rational, tell the weight.Have hidden stubborn and temper.Little crazy bitch (or small loli, at first I didn't know that is Taurus), willful stubborn, crazy play ground roll, behave don't care about anything, but shut the door is working on a small diary, and written on the front page "peeping Tom lousy * * (is the chrysanthemum, sorry)!In addition to her sister and xx!(xx is her dog's name) ".To speak directly and hurt at ordinary times, self-esteem is very strong.

Intelligent perseverance, taste is reserved, not easily to heart.

Summary: Taurus woman most adept at delicate emotions, show the characteristics of strong trend hale and hearty, leading to her inner channel from narrow to wide to narrow.Their life concept is usually very practical, know when suits to do a little woman when the Canadian idea, more let a man at ease.For things that universal stubbornness opinionated, accept novel stimulus and reality.

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