Dream of youth to mention

Dream of youth is what mean?Dream dream of green lift?Dream of youth had the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of green of the detailed solution.

Dream of youth to mention

Dream of youth, portends a will make more friends.

Dream of picking green, to get the help of friends.

A pregnant womanDream of youth, and grandchildren.(byDuke of zhou interprets /Provide)

Dreamed that the string of blue, indicated you will meet many new friends recently, is the social relations of good omen.

Dream of rotting green, indicated you have to sacrifice some material, in order to achieve desirable goals.

Dream of eating rotten green, predict the unknown of trillion, you will suffer from bad luck or be deceived by a friend in the future.

Dream of acid blue, forebode a bitterness to encounter you, or not happy, even let you dislike sick sexual contact.

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