Dream of tomatoes

What's the meaning of dream of tomatoes?Dream dream of tomatoes?Dream of tomatoes are realistic and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of tomato detailed solution.

Dream of tomatoes

Tomato main good luck.Symbol of tomato red pledge.

Dream of tomatoes, indicate all good lucky for you.

Unmarried men dreamed of eating tomatoes, predicted to hit, or will marry a beautiful gentle wife.

unmarriedA womanDream of eating tomatoes, indicate the body health, or to marry a fit husband.

Married women dream of eating tomatoes, means health, family happiness.

Married men dreamed of eating tomatoes, indicate the dreamer to luck, family income will increase.

Dream of eating tomatoes or tomato, or tomato juice, and so on, indicated that you will succeed, or to obtain sexual satisfaction.

Dream of selling tomatoes, suggest you may have to be bullied.

Dream of buying tomatoes, your home to the guest.

The patient dreamt of eating tomatoes, forecast will recover soon.

Dream of eating rotten tomatoes, predict will encounter bad change, be careful.

Dream of ketchup, suggest you have a friend who is very attractive.

Dream of green tomatoes, indicated that the dreamer will happen and to be cautious.

Dream of psychology

Symbol explanation: dream dreamed of tomato red head, means that the dreamer's life career will be on a new step.

Psychology analysis: a tomato is red, and red is the color of the Chinese people are very like, is a symbol of good fortune as one wishes.Dream dream of tomatoes, from a psychological perspective, means the dreamer is yearning for a better life, hope your future life thriving.

Spirit: from the perspective of spiritual learning, tomato symbol with luck.

Dreamed of tomato case analysis

Dream description: I had a strange dream last night, dreamed of my mother-in-law threw the biggest tomato, I would stop, but her mother-in-law, I can't, had to hide in the room crying, what is the meaning of the dream?

Dreams resolution: you said this dream you from deep inside of her mother-in-law is actually full of fear, common fault do afraid of being her mother-in-law, afraid of shiva (dream of tomatoes) woman discontent to oneself, actually do not give oneself too great pressure, believe that if you are honest with each other, your in-law relations will improve.

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