Maharaja LingQian draw

Maharaja LingQian a total of 50 teams, maharaja LingQian also called maharaja ZuZai LingQian, maharaja ZuZai xie name (320-385), word ashmore, dongshan.Is the prime minister of the eastern jin dynasty famous, originally from Chen prefecture YangXia minzhu) (now in henan province.His family a blue blood, grandfather Xie Heng to Confucianism, officer to the child drink offering;Father x take from those who have too (dialect pu), officer to Chang Qing too, mother qian liu, have Xie Yi, according to, Xie An, xie xie, Xie Tie, Xie Shi six sons, Xie An ranking the third.

Began to draw

Smoke before LingQian attentive, grasp in addition to other thoughts, his hands cupped hands first meditation, reveals the spirit to the king, a labyrinth.Then speak his name, date of birth and address.Then the request for advice, such as marriage, career, time, money, and so on.

Then think from one to one hundred one of the Numbers, then ZhiBei, three consecutive holy grail can get this LingQian, such as no cup can hold can use two COINS instead of ten yuan.Do not repeat to ask of avoid by all means, the same problems, or sign would not.

Maharaja LingQian solution to sign (a total of 50 sign)