Dream of apricot

Dream of apricot is what mean?Dream dream of apricot, ok?Dream of apricot with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of apricot detailed solution.

Dream of apricot

Dream of see apricot, warning will encounter difficulties.

Dream of mature apricot is falling, suggest to mange ulcer and other skin and surgical diseases.

Dream of immature QingXing, said looks bright prospect, actually the hidden suffering and sorrow.

Dream of eat apricots, means disastrous effect will spread to you.

Dream of others in eat apricots, unpleasant environment will appear, they have no idea of you as well.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream accidentallyalso a red almond and the fame of mega.The broken dream secretary

Dream to eat apricots.The main door is festival, covered corning.Adversity of dreams, the main human AIDS, the odds;Dream a long illness, main veins, gradually have to dash.The broken dream secretary

Dream apricot.Ordinary people dream, birth of Lord.The broken dream secretary

Dream apricot, ji.For child dream this, too, and the feast of by;The work will force the dreams, into the battle;The political dream, js mi ammy favor and grace;Ordinary people dream of this, the door is festival preservation kang;Dream this trouble, adverse human support;Dream the long illness, veins and gradually have to dash."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream planted apricot flowers, the only name.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream of see apricot, omen will encounter difficulties.Dream of mature apricot is falling, suggest to mange ulcer and other skin and surgical diseases.Dream of immature QingXing, said looks bright prospect, actually the hidden suffering and sorrow.Dream of eat apricots, means disastrous effect will spread to you.Dream of others in eat apricots, unpleasant environment will appear, they have no idea of you as well.

Psychological analysis: the dream see apricot, symbolizes the difficulties and problems.

Spiritual symbol: from the mental analysis, dreamed of apricot symbol of disaster and sad mood.

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