Dream of sickle

What is the meaning of dream of sickle?Dream dream of sickle?Dream of sickle has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of sickle detailed solution.

Dream of sickle

Dream sickle and clear you mind usually implies that the dreamer, in order to achieve the goal, those who need to wipe out the life the interference of irrelevant behavior.

Dream dream hand sickle, said people determined, by striving to achieve goals, get rich.

Dreamed that he said in a sickle of weeds, the dreamer in life and work, clear you mind constantly, correct mistakes and shortcomings.

Dream of harvest their crops with a sickle, indicated that the dreamer will eliminate interference, success in work.

Dream of sickle is blunt, may indicate the dreamer now ability is a bit difficult to work in the short term.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the scythe is a kind of cutting tools, so it is similar to the representative of the knife.In the dream, it is mostly imply that you should be living in "cutting" irrelevant "weeds" behavior "weeds" and faith.In addition, you must be hard to go forward, in order to achieve the ideal destination.

Psychological analysis: the scythe is a very old symbol of time.When it appears in dreams, said you to accept the public views and ideas.You realize the life around and energy will be destroyed in an instant, though it doesn't mean that your own death.

Spiritual symbol: scythe like the hourglass is a god of death a prop, it symbolizes the end of the flesh exist.

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