Dream of ashes

What is the meaning of dream of ashes?Dream dream of ashes?Dream of ashes with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of ashes of the detailed solution.

Dream of ashes

Dream of ashes is ominous.Symbol of lost or buried a emotion, a past.It is usually on the gain and loss in the life experience and dreaming person.May be an important person in your life, also can be a kind of emotion, a precious items.Embodies the loss of your heart, endless sad, helpless forgotten emotions.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the ashes, advocate bodeful."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see ash, often used to represent regret and sadness.Do you know he was in a certain occasion to show so terrible and stupid, and unable to change.This situation has ended, and a pile of things or a person has disappeared from the dreamer's life.He may dream of a burningThe fireAnd finally a spread ashes were left.He is in the memory leaving only a pile of wood ash.

Psychoanalysis: from a psychological point of view, ash means sadness.Dream a heap of plant ash, speaking to you maybe means not infinite delay sorrow that already exist.

Spiritual symbol: ashes shall be exempted from the clean and the god of death, according to belong to the human body and the death of the old one.

Dream of ashes

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