Dream of resin frame

Dream of resin frame is what mean?Dream dream of resin frame?Dream of resin frame with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of resin frame detailed solution.

Dream of resin frame

Resin is a wedding.

liftThe bodySymbol stretcher makes people in the rest, the people settle down in life, that is marriage.

Dream of bier, means will be invited to attendTo get marriedThe ceremony.

Dreamed that he carried resin frame, the means will be invited to meet the bride's team.

Dream of carried by resin frame body, good omen, and treasures will be plentiful.

Businessman dream carried by resin frame body, the business will be very smooth.

Patient dreamed carried by resin frame body, the body will soon recover.

Dreamed of resin frame case analysis

Dream description: remember last night dream is not too clear, where is my home of the first old house, like myself and a few students, using the bier lifted a corpse (said are classmates in the dream, but not in reality) from inside to outside, we several girls, only one man.Scenario is that we have carried away for a while, later can't lift, will find the man, found that the man is not in the room, go out, we will put the body in waiting for him at the door.Later also don't know how scared woke up.Don't recall, you remember so much, how to return a responsibility excuse me?In addition, my the old house would have to sell.

Dreams resolution: dream of carried by resin frame body, good omen, and treasures will be plentiful.

Dream of resin frame related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query