Dream of poison poison poisoning

Dream of poison poison poisoning is what mean?Dream dream of poison poison poisoning?Dream of poison poison poisoning have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of poison poison poisoning the detailed solution.

Dream of poison poison poisoning

Dream of poison, usually said blessed, and sorrow and trouble is coming to an end, the past haze will come to an end, tomorrow will be better.

Dreaming that I am eating poison that you forget a relationship, or want to end a period of life.

Dream of others eat the poison, you will win.

Men dreamed of poison, suggesting that hope in career frustration over.

A womanDream of poison, said your hopes all the unhappy things in the family life, distress can be used as soon as possible.

Doctors dreamed of poison that medical effect is remarkable, income increase.

Dream of poison, the unemployed to find work.

Patient dreamed of poison, indicated that could be worse.

Husband dreamed to give her a poison, conjugal love, happiness of life.

Wife dreamed to poison her husband, said he will be more love her husband, her husband longevity and health.

Dream of others to their poison, said you longevity and health.

Dreaming that I am to know poison, suggesting that hostility towards the man may have deep inside.

Dream of elders send poison to leadership, get promoted or get unexpected revenue.

Dream of poison to strangers, beware of insincere friends of deceiving yourself.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if poison play an important role in a dream, that would suggest that you should avoid a is not beneficial to their ideas, feelings or ideas.Around you must exist all sorts of influence, he must always pay attention, avoid suffer from their injuries.

Psychoanalysis: other people's ideas and beliefs may poison a sensitive character way of thinking and feeling, they will become a poison performance in dream.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, all blocked or stop you from the content of the spiritual progress is poison.

Dreamed of poison case analysis (by)

Description: dream a dream I and several people in a dark room, someone sent to each of us a small bottle, let us take medicine drink, says there will be a special feeling.

The others were all up to take medicine.I also want to, but I know those are poison, I hesitate and contradictions, but eventually chose to give up, and then the several drank the medicine man has died.(male, 32 years old)

Rejected the temptation of poison dreams resolution: a dream, won a great victory.Victory over self, to the new realm of life.

In the face of pressure, people often face collapse due to strain stains, or early to give up our own efforts, or be pressure blow up changed the true self.Dream the struggle of the pain, but, once made to give up the decision and action, you will get the unprecedented progress.

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