Dream of rat trap

Dream of rat trap is what mean?Dream dream of rat trap?Dream of mousetrap with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of rat trap detailed solution.

Dream of rat trap

Dream rattrap that you should pay attention to don't do lose their identity and status, because the calculation of people trying to take advantage of you.

Dream on rat-trap refillThe mouseThat you may be the enemy of control.

Dream of set a mousetrap, suggest you will try to beat your opponent.

Dream of catch mice, will be friends with a dishonest from the enemy's conspiracy theory.

Dream of the catCatch mice, it is auspicious, the enemy will kill each other, both dead.

Dream of catching mice, will and friends argue, but very unpleasant past.

Minors' dream of catching mice, need to be aware of intestines and stomach disease, diet with easy to digest for the principle.

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