Business how tall are you smart index

Business how tall are you smart index

Do you want to know how tall are you in business savvy index?Want to know more, come and do a little test to know!

【 title 】

1, do you like to play live game than to play blame

He is - 2

He is not - 3

2, see others will immediately to buy myself a lottery?

He is - 4

He is not - 3

3, no matter what job you will have a lot of spirit to learn professional knowledge related to this?

He is - 6

He is not - 4

4, close to myself and the person you like, including lovers and friends speak what you have to work on it

He is - 5

He is not - 7

5, you have more than a year without a dispute or fight with others?

He is - 6

He is not - 7

6, you are home or you are want to be a house

He is - D

Not to B

7, do you think you is a man is not good at complaining?

He is - C

Not to A

Business how tall are you smart index?The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Business how tall are you smart index _ psychological tests

Test results to see the next page:

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