What's the difference between your thinking mode (2)

A classmate, choose this answer, like to explore the nature of things, such as the source and the essence of the certain knowledge, and so on, this person's thinking pattern type belongs to the back, A lot of time from A source point to think about the whole event, or to find A starting point and central point, in order to understand the whole event, one of the most serious problems that students may be: this sentence from?Why is the concept of it.

Classmate B, choose this answer, lay particular stress on inductive thinking mode, pay attention to and believe as a result, while absorbing new knowledge, to rely too much on and believe that the existing knowledge, lack of spirit back.The thinking mode of the students, and is suitable for learning need to absorb a large number of data and knowledge of the subjects, such as history, geography, Chinese, English, etc.

C, students choose this answer, thinking more paranoid, easy to go to extremes, often biased and subjective conclusion, and often unruly in learning.This kind of students is not suitable for to learn need to be objective and calm thinking subject.Relatively speaking, this classmate is fit for the demands to study the creative subjects, such as art or a science experiment.[again] [me two sentences]?This kind of learning attitude is more suitable for development in scientific research, Newton is not by asking why the apple fell to the ground and found the gravity?(Psychological tests /test/)

D, students choose this answer, thinking mode belongs to a one-way street, can only be one way to think, can't reverse or thinking about garment, so it is easy to fall into a rigid model, there are few creative breakthrough.The students in daily life, must be always forget east west, reminiscent of the front and behind and neglect.In the aspect of learning, the students may be good at to remember of course, but in mathematics or other subjects need to be logical reasoning, poor grades may some.

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