Make you a head two big arithmetic

Make you a head two big arithmetic

A make you a head two big IQ test logic problem, no matter you are a genius or a mediocre man, no matter you are low intelligence, or intelligence, all quick to test it.

【 title 】

Four couple sit together, chatting, small and medium-sized eat three pears, four women eat two small jade, eat four small fang, located had one.Four men, the better to eat pears and his wife, xiangyang ate his wife 2 times, ZhongMin eat 3 times that of his wife, Wen Jia eat is four times that of his wife, they had 32 pear.Do you know who ZhongMin wife is?Reasons not to blind oh.

A, jade

B, small fang

C, located

D, xiao li

Let you first two big arithmetic _ a psychological test

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