Dream of the bride and groom

Dream of the bride and groom is what mean?Dream dream of the bride and groom?Dream of the bride and groom have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the bride and groom the detailed solution.

Dream of the bride and groom

If your partner in a dream with the attitude of the bride or groom is present, then maybe you should tell him that you want to directlyTo get marriedWill.But if a dream he looks not very happy, suggesting that relationship may be on the rocks.Appear, like you, another is the role of the bride or groom, shows that you have no confidence in yourself.

Zhouyi dream

New 郎 in women dream "arnie was" symbol.

The bride on the men's dreams represents its nima "o".In a neglected position of nima "o", "nimmo," closely related with our project.Based on various pent-up fear within the projection of the world to make us more and more isolated from the real world.

Dream of psychology

Dream dream explanation: see the groom, usually said the hope to find objects of desire, mating or demand relationship of another person or responsible for its mood cast vividly in a dream.Similar dreams means you the spirit of "romantic".

Psychological analysis: this involves a more used in mutual understanding rather than emotional looking for objects of desire, say to you, it is important to show the impulse of desire for men.

See the groom spiritual symbol: a dream, expressed the you seek is responsible for the others or the desire for power.

Dream of the bride and groom

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