Dream about gay

Dreamed that homosexuality is what mean?Dream dream of gay ok?Dream of gay have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about gay detailed solution.

Dream about gay

Heterosexual dreamed that he was gay, such dreams, remind you pay attention to interpersonal relationships and love in their own problems, may be you are isolated, or the people around you love each other, the lack of trust, interpersonal relationship makes you feel under pressure;Maybe you are hate people.

If the dream that he was a gay strongly attract, may thirst for the love of parents in your heart that the warmth of family.

Dream of kissing with gay friends, just say you usually get along with each other, appreciate each other like inside.

Dreamed that he and gay sex, said the dreamer may had doubts on their sexual role;

Dream of two gay sex, means that the dreamer himself has been a lack of love, but the heart is to stick to the traditional moral ideas, do not intend to take the initiative to the pursuit of love.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed that he and gay sex, said on their sexual role doubts you might have.Dreaming that I am attracted to a gay, may prove that you have been longing for parental love.Similar dreams may be more involve the warmth between people, rather than sex.

Psychoanalysis: dream gay usually said you accept hard part of disgust myself, to merge each other, the result often is more ideal.

Dreamed of gay case analysis

A dream description: a dream I don't knowA woman, to me this, wear black clothes and black pants in places don't know, kiss me, touch my chest.I don't have that to a woman liking (lesbian)...I was thinking, the woman also was about to say something, the dream is over.(women, 19 years old)

Dreams resolution: people wear black clothes is your in the mind of another, you can call it "shadow".Shadow hiding in apparent own usually, repressed.

You must be a very serious and a little shy student, so you win against sexual things, feel guilty, but the shadow is the opposite.You are from adolescence to early adulthood, even in the adult stage, deep heart will borrow the dream began to give you advice, as a mature woman, there must be the flesh.You don't have to feel embarrassed, should accept the other side of the himself.

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