Dream of the wife preterm birth

Dream of the wife preterm birth is what mean?Dream dream of wife preterm birth?Dream of wife preterm birth have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the wife of premature detailed solution.

Dream of the wife preterm birth

Dream of wife premature birth, good omen, the fetus will be born smoothly.

A pregnant womanDream of premature birth, auspicious, and their children are healthy.

Dream of case analysis of preterm birth

"Dream a"

The dream description: nowpregnancyTen weeks, had a dream last night that his seven months next early when I was a boy, mother and son peace, children are healthy and even the child looks like weight dream clearly, mother-in-law told me children six 2 two jins, is also high, the child is born first rather than cry laugh very sweet, this is a good omen?Or is it just I worry too much?

Dream parsing: general first pregnancy pregnant woman with no experience, always scared, this is completely unnecessary, pay more attention at ordinary times, check regularly.

"Dream example 2"

Dream description: I had been almost eight months pregnant, since 5 months, I often have nightmares, is the dream about premature birth, and it is a girl, but because of premature birth, baby's tiny, cry, I cry too, wake up a sweat, what reason is this excuse me ah, I want to treat?

Dream parsing: general pregnancy for a period of time will have some psychological problems, such as pressure is bigger, or is very the attention to the child's gender requirement, etc., many mental stress can cause pregnant women to dream more, suggest you to adjust state of mind at ordinary times, do not need excessive concern, quietly waiting for the arrival of a healthy baby.

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