Dream team

What is the meaning of dream team?Dream dream team?Dream team has reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream team of the detailed solution.

Dream team

Dream of wedding party team that is likely to be at homeThe dead

A womanDream of set, portend quarrel with her husband at home.

Married men dreamed about to set out, will be in high places, people depend on themselves.

Married woman dreamed to set out, will soonpregnancy, can have a beautiful boy.

Unmarried men and women dream of set out, will tie the knot and loved ones.

Unmarried men dreamed of a set that will each rush thing with lover.

Prisoners dreamed to join set that will be free soon.

Patient dreamed to set out, predict will be worse, to be sick in bed.

Dream to participate in political or religious procession that there will be a good message.

Political leaders dreamed to join the political or religious procession, portend is respected leaders.

Tourists dreamed for political or religious procession, indicated that may occurA car accidentTo be very careful, away from home.

Dreamt or join a team of hand torches, suggest you will pleasure to live, let oneself real value is difficult to achieve.

Dream of traveler's team, suggest you carefree life.

Dreamed that he join the tourist team, suggest you can get rich, have a rich life comfortable.

Dream to participate in the cultural group, means going to a funeral of others.

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