Dream of the orphans

What is the meaning of dream of orphans?Dream dream of orphans?Dream of orphans have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of orphans detailed solution.

Dream of the orphans

Orphans is wealth, although orphans lost their parents, but more to live in their own world, is not affected by the interference of others, always have, can achieve more in the future, so in a dream, an orphan represents success and wealth, dream of orphans, means that a successful career.

Dream of orphans, may have a dream people feel vulnerable, easily hurt or unpopular, longing for others to care and help.

If you dreamed that he became an orphan, this is to remind the dreamer must want to get rid of the dependence on inner, independence and self-reliance.

If the dream of taking care of orphans, suggest you may get the help of others.

Dreamed of his donation to the orphanage that may damage property, or poor management, have to lose part of the property.

If the dream see street urchins, means that there will be a misfortune, work hard, in a tough position.

Dream of condolences orphans, predict the concern of others will touch your heart, and will eventually make you sacrifice personal enjoyment.

Dream of with you about the orphans, indicate your life will add new responsibilities, and will lead to the person you love with a friend or a same between estranged.

Zhouyi dream

Orphans lost their parents, but more to live in your heart, not affected by the interference of others, always have, can achieve more in the future.So, in my dream orphans on behalf of the success and wealth.

Dream of orphans, means that a successful career, to get wealth.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the orphan, the main bearing his ancestors."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of an orphan, you may feel vulnerable, fragile feel rejected or unpopular.Dreamt that he take care of orphans, said you want to cure the part has not been able to get enough to take care of yourself.If you dream about an orphan, said you must be independent and self-reliant.

Psychoanalysis: you must identify your mission which growth and apart from their parents.Because if you die,moveOr other reasons lost parents, so he will feel like an orphan.

Spiritual symbol: spiritual loneliness.

Dreamed of orphans case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dreamed that he is an orphan.

Dreams resolution: remind you must want to get rid of the dependence on inner, independence and self-reliance.

"Dream case 2"

Dreaming about the received an orphan, a boy is what mean?

Dreams resolution: will be helped by others.

Dream of orphans

The duke of zhou interprets of query