Dream of odor

Dream of odor is what mean?Dream dream of stink?Dream of stench has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of odor detailed solution.

Dream of odor

Dreaming that I am in a stinking, in an environment portend will have unfortunate things happen.

Dream of your body sends out a stink, indicated that the disease will come on themselves.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: you smell a smell, in the dream usually means that you are trying to sort items or experience, so as to find out the reason, found the smell come from space.Of emotional reaction in my dream is very strong, but the sense of smell is generally will only appear when show special significance.

Psychoanalysis: all kinds of smell plays an important role in childhood, many of them smell are closely connected with specific event or situation, the fragrant air of bread, for example, fragrant flowers, the scent of the school dining room.A pleasant smell can symbolize the happiness of time, a unpleasant smell makes people recall terrible s and time.

Spiritual symbol: when the mental experience in development, old age, sense of smell can let a person feel in the position of the obvious what is frightening.If this ability is seen as a kind of method, so as to correctly summarized an event, a place or a person, then it would not be transformed into specific difficulties or problems.

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