Dream of the red

Dream of the red is what mean?Dream dream of the red, ok?Dream of the red have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the red detailed solution.

Dream of the red

Red in the dream, usually symbolize fortune, enthusiasm, energy, also expressed anger and sometimes dangerous.

Dream of the red, said your in the mind is full of enthusiasm, work, study, love positive all the time.

Dream of the red man, often mean you will have wealth, income, or status, identity to ascend.

A womanDream of the red, also suggested that you will get a warm pursuit, or passionate love life.

If the dream around you feel there are a lot of red things, this dream also reminds you to calm and restraint, to learn to "cold treatment".

Dream of many peopleWear red clothes, indicated that the dreamer will have unexpected success in business.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the symbol of the color of the dream is different, play an important role.Using spectral analysis rainbow, yellow, orange, red is a warm color, is a positive color.Which belong to cool color, blue, indigo, and purple is the color of the negative.Green is a synthesis of cold and hot, white light has all sorts of color.

Psychoanalysis: color has effect for the treatment of health.They appeared in a dream, have to cure disease's instructions.Specifically:

Red: belongs to the expressive of red, strong, energy, life, sexual desire and power.See if a dream of red is not pure, said it is symbol of character is not very strong.

Spirit: confirmed the existence of the light color.From the spiritual point of view, it means: red marks the self-image and sexual desire, orange said relationship with yourself and others, yellow is the feelings of self, green means their own consciousness, blue symbolizes the self-expression and wisdom, indigo blue is the color of the creativity, purple means universal responsibility.

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