Dream of color

What is the meaning of dream of color?Dream dream of color, ok?Dream of color have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of color the detailed solution.

Dream of color

Dream of color: color represents inclines, feel uncomfortable.Or is there was something wrong with the body.

If the bed is too tired, or he can't sleep, also can often do this.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: color master.Color is a combination of a variety of color, so no longer pure.Color on behalf of the restless in the dream, has the feeling of unease.If before going to bed too tired or can't sleep, also can often do this kind of dream.

Psychoanalysis: dream of color, restless, perhaps the body latent disease onset.To adjust the adjustment, relax!

Spirit: confirmed the existence of the light color.From the spiritual point of view, it means: red marks the self-image and sexual desire, orange said relationship with yourself and others, yellow is the feelings of self, green means their own consciousness, blue symbolizes the self-expression and wisdom, indigo blue is the color of the creativity, purple means universal responsibility.

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