Household geomantic learn: fengshui and architecture

Fengshui and architecture

Feng shui is culture?Is science?Is technology?Is a superstition?

Fengshui is the Chinese ancient building activity guidelines and practical operation techniques.

Fengshui is the soul of fu yu Chinese architecture.Fengshui with China to build learning and Chinese gardening etc. Constitute the three pillars of ancient architectural theory.

Feng shui is actually a geography, meteorology, ecology, planning and architecture of an integrated science.It is about "principle", "number", "gas", "form" the theory of system, the law of the system to do the following:

The laws of nature

Natural value ratio

Natural breath

The appearance of natural

Feng shui is such an art, it is through the arrangement of things, from building foundation to interior decoration, in an attempt to affect the imposing manner and within a certain place.It helps people to use the natural forces of the earth, the use of the balance of Yin and Yang, to obtain the auspicious air, thus promote health, increased energy.

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