Household geomantic learn: feng shui in the kitchen

Household geomantic learn: feng shui in the kitchen

In the not directly see the stove in the kitchen

Cooking three meals for a source of food and beverage, feng shui emphasizes "predator, lu also", that is to say, stoves is a wealth.Stoves avoid is the wind, because the wind to, easy to put out fire, do not leave type, so are the door or back to the window is unfavorable, otherwise easily lead to financial difficulties.

The kitchen door and gate relatively

In the kitchen for a wealth, gate for facilitating the entrance, is a place where family, friends, in and out.Gate is to the kitchen door, can make kitchen strainght to type as the dew, and lead to family financial difficulties.

The kitchen is toThe toilet

The kitchen to cook food, and the toilet easy to nourish the bacteria, dirt, if both relative will affect health, impair the health of my family.

Behind the stove should not be empty

Behind the stove should not be empty, empty easy flaps, make fire not miao not stable, affect the finances, especially taboo stoves rear window.

Stove is placed under the crossbar

In general interior space are taboo beam coping, stove is no exception.Beam to suppress stoves mainly affects your family's health, especially in the cooking of women in the home.

Stove and sink directly adjacent

Fire stoves for cooking, water tank for water storage, washing the dishes, the two should not be connected, in the middle should arrange stage is separated, so as to avoid fire and water photograph rushs.

The kitchen floor, wall tile laid

Large tile juncture, less surface easy to clean, not easy to breed mold, conform to the health.

The kitchen should keep the air fresh

The kitchen cooking prone to exhaust, lampblack, best method is to furnish smoke lampblack machine, to keep the air fresh.

Appropriate USES european-style cabinets in the kitchen

European cabinets can neatly receive sundry kitchen, make the kitchen easier to keep clean, ambry is better to light color or cool color department, when cooking makes people easy to stay relaxed and happy mood.

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