Household geomantic learn: color of feng shui

Household geomantic learn: color of feng shui

The deployment of color, must have a lot of research, and physiological functions to human body have a lot of researchers, can use a variety of color arrangement at your side, otherwise, only increase, and a waste of money, is really ask for it.

Over the years, there are a lot of people because of curiosity for the colours, and a lack of wisdom, caused by the family feud.Hit obstacles.Family dead, too, is really poor, especially in recent years, the divorce rate, this and indoor colour disorders and indoor arrangement inappropriate caused by too much.

Also have the character of the children of weird, make whole family make trouble, autism.Rage is very much also, today I will personally experience the rule are described below:

In the home all blue-black, time is long, the home can produce Yin qi, virtually all was negative, home also owe peace within.

Paint purple bulls in the home, although is ZiQi full chamber, but purple in the generation of some red series, virtually a dazzling sense of color;Easy to make the home of the heart has a kind of helpless feeling.

Painted pink in the home, the color of most big fierce, pink is easy to make people irritable mood, easy to quarrel, fight is a matter of the quarrel, frequent;Especially the newlyweds, in order to adjust the best atmosphere, in the eyes of ordinary people seems to be very romantic, but, with the tonal disharmony, after a period of time, two people mood will produce inexplicable heart, easy for the smallest argument, finally divorced slippery slope, today's social divorce rate is so amazing, and the factors also accounted for a large, therefore, the designers should pay attention to, don't have the best color, the color also can cause mental derangement.

Paint green bulls in the home, also can make household will gradually depressed, not general said, his eyes should be more green, in fact, green is refers to the green in nature, not man for the deployment of green, so, hard to avoid can cause indoor inanimate, lifeless.

Red bulls in the home, the Chinese always thinks red is lucky color, but South Korea customsThe deadRepresentative with red cloth in the home, these are just people's life custom, but the red bulls series, make the person eye burden overweight, and make people irritable mood, so, red can only a little part of tonal collocation, not as a theme of hue, but the BuddhatempleYu is different from home.

Home of the best for the ivory color, ivory color, white, these three kinds of color and visual nerve is most suitable for, because sunlight is white series, on behalf of the light, the heart.Eye also need light to mediate, and the white in the home had better configure furniture series, white series also represents hope.

Paint yellow bulls in the home, the mood frowsty, irritated heat, there is a kind of said not to come out of shock and sorrow, so make the person's brain filled with layers of illusion of consciousness, some mental derangement most avoid is subject to this color.

Orange bulls, although be full of spirited, have warm feeling, but overmuch orange, also can make the feeling of the heart trouble.

Lumber primary colors is the best color!Lumber primary colors make people inspiration and wisdom easily, especially study part, with lumber primary colors as far as possible is best, in short, all sorts of color is too much, just right for the principle.

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