Feng shui in four of the beast

Feng shui in four of the beast

The four beasts in the feng shui is left tsing lung, right white tiger, QianZhuQiao, after basaltic.The four beasts and four spirit, said the four spirit came from the stars.

Four beasts is originally should be the gas of the quartet, if can be mild and fell, to protect the central hole, is fine, to bless the families of the sons of prosperity.Is like a white tiger party too tall and strong, the family is female autonomy.If front of the house is open, the hall.But if we can only see the water, then living heart of people will produce retire;If only see house, live will sink to the work.Best to far place there are some mountains or hills as a closed block, constitute the effect of the wind to get together gas, accumulate.House behind the basaltic best able to fall back on.This house is good feng shui.

Feng shui neo-confucianism thought: left tsing lung right white tiger, like the two arms, the sanitation in the left side of the house.If one party than the other party is too tall and strong, that would be a power imbalance of Yin and Yang.Feng shui four animal hide many secrets.

First of all, all good feng shui is pay attention to all four beasts.That is to say, whether YangZhai or meeting, should be guarded by four beasts around, the so-called crowding round, left guard right bound, is you.No four beasts bound to protect, again good feng shui, will be scattered by the wind.Do you want to, no cover around, disaster coming, did not want to take a bear?

Second, the four beasts still not to get too close to the residence was too close, will be bullied by the four beasts, it is a little.Curtilage is given priority to, the four beasts for the servant.Ds, remain.Four tall, sunshine, otaku curtilage the sun be the spirit, will certainly slave deceives the master, is made explicit.Except only one beast is, that is at the back of the basalt, basaltic beast tall, exactly, represents the backer can depend on, the subsequent have spirit.Other tsing lung, white tiger, rosefinch deceives.Tsing lung, bad men, white tiger, is bad women, rosefinch deceives, will be very bad for learning and physical health.

Again, before the four beasts, not pressure, that is to say, rosefinch is not above black.North for honour, and that's why the ancient emperors face south back north of truth;Right can't press left and right refers to the east, the left is refers to the west.If it is to the west of the white tiger is higher than the east tsing lung, is that women in the home.

Relatively speaking, the four beasts deceives than four beasts without also fierce.Four beasts, and just generally lived, not is not bad.Four beasts deceives, is big fierce residence.Make an example, if there is no rosefinch, so is curtilage the main body, learning in general.If is rosefinch deceit, so is the body is very poor, learning is very poor, maybe came out a big fierce, or gives birth to an imbecile.The word of the other four beasts and so on.Visible, geomantic exquisite four beasts.

Feng shui in four of the beast

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