Rosefinch is represent

Rosefinch is represent

Twenty BaSu, rosefinch is south seven nights (well, ghost, willow, star, zhang, wing, chiu).Like dragon white tiger, rosefinch and black also is full of spiritual and mysterious."The I ching"Four elephants is old Yang, Yin and Yang, Yin less, less in manage four elephants in fengshui, and is left tsing lung, right white tiger, QianZhuQiao, after basaltic.

Every house left have running water, tsing lung.Right has a long way, "the white tiger.There is sweat before pool, the linnet.There are hills, basaltic.This is the most expensive place.Japan's "of the ping's is also mentioned.Yu CunDong facing river, west road, south to pool, north to the mountain.It is four gods place accordingly.

See here, some friends might be a little knowledge, I then use plain English description:

Before and after any house housing, the left and right sides.From a physical point of view of feng shui, is you stand in his own house entrance, or the office door, or the company doorway, face to the outside.So, from the perspective of the house, your left is the tsing lung, the right hand side is white, the front face is rosefinch, behind you is the basalt.

How should around the house

A good feng shui in house, usually your house on the left side of the tsing lung position can be higher, and your house is on the right position should be short and easy;Rosefinch need flat and spacious, in front of your house and your house is behind the basaltic up to thick.So, in this way can house a flourishing curtilage.

But, things in the world is not so perfect, what's more, several modern residence is you cover?Is basically good developers built houses, people spend money on.In an unguarded moment, therefore, I think, probably you bought and geomantic learn four like out of a house, or even "haunted", the multiplexes cause yourself and your family, trouble, or even a lotus flower fierce, marriage break-up.

Today, I'd say rosefinch may bring you harm.

From the perspective of the situation of house housing, rosefinch is clearing in front of your door, known as the hall in the past.Bright spacious hall.However, if you bought this house: an open door, in front of you is the "mountain", so, you are very helpless, need every day, "yu gong yi shan" luck is certainly not so good.

Is also found that many of my friends live in the building, in you live a layer of a few families, as a result, the gates and others house curtilage.You in the front of the door space is the rosefinch, two families are very bad.Not only that, some families to high utilization, to the space makes full use of, accumulated a lot of sundry, as a result, rosefinch less hall, so that both sides are suffering.

If the above is the somebody else, some helpless.Alone door, then, I pointed out in particular, some friends live alone, or is their own is not his family on the gate door, I have friends but for various reasons, they will own the linnet to clogged.For example, a nail on the wall hang in front of the door, put your stuff in the hall, more friends is put shoe rack on the doorstep.So, good carry of the linnet hall be destroyed.

Rosefinch is bad will bring what harm

Rosefinch is bad, can cause what problem?I told my friends, first will damage your eyes, your family's eyes.If is the enterprise company, office, then, will hurt from the head to the employees in the company's eyes.If you find yourself always suffer from eye diseases, might as well take a look at your house curtilage rosefinch is normal, conform to the requirements.

Rosefinch was destroyed or itself, of course, rosefinch is bad, so, not only damage the eyes, are more likely to damage your career, your finances, your emotions.Because everything is widespread contact, rosefinch may cause black, blue and white chain reaction, cause the whole bad luck.

I gave a famous enterprise of chairman of the board of directors at the office, I found this problem.Distortion caused by rosefinch position is bad, tsing lung position, resulting in a domino effect, chairman of eye problems, chairman of wife to say chairman is saw shouldn't see.Business nature also suffering, of course, this is another story.After conditioning, to reverse the situation.

Rosefinch is hall, hall is spacious and bright.No matter we are net of the residence or the office door, the space in front of cannot "recycling", and to keep its capacious and bright.Otherwise, the more you use, the greater the harm.For the housing itself not capacious and bright rosefinch position of friends, just need to regulate the whole.If you ignore the rosefinch, so bring your nor a capacious and bright career, finances, emotions, and health.

Rosefinch is very important, but also should not be underestimated the power of blue dragon, white tiger, xuanwu.

Rosefinch is on behalf of the relevant content

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