The orientation theory of feng shui

The orientation theory of feng shui

To accurately determine house curtilage the pros and cons of feng shui, must know the sit to the housing.Ancient house curtilage wants sits, toward the point very clear, because the house is only one gate, fine discrimination towards;And contemporary house home is different, a detached wing towards the door, have their own home towards the door, at the same time more open part of the sitting room balcony, room is connected fully, no back feeling, so how to judge of the front of a room?

What is house home sit down to

House curtilage sitting to is derived on the basis of people sitting in the front and rear bearing, a person, sitting back against the location is to "sit", the body's own orientation is "to" positive.

Housing "sit" is building housing the longitudinal axis of the back-end azimuth on the ground plane, "to" is the central axis of front-end azimuth.

What kind of expression of housing sit down to

Geomantic learn not to represent the orientation between east and west, south and north, fengshui by more precise, different mountain to represent different azimuth angles.Such as: child = north;Noon = the south;Sockets = east;Unitary = west.I remind my friends, to clear expression sit to housing, need to know gossip house first.

Gossip is a set of symbolic signs in ancient China.With "-" represents Yang, with "-" represents Yin, with three such symbols, composed of eight forms, called gossip.Each bodies represents a certain number of things.

Dry on behalf of the day, he represents, on behalf of the water, away from the fire, on behalf of the ray, gen (gen) on behalf of the mountain, xun (xun) on behalf of the wind, the representative.Gossip match each other and get sixty-four hexagrams, used to symbolize various natural phenomena and human phenomenon.

Gossip house such as the eight diagrams delegates southeast northwest, the temple east, xun palace southeast, detached palace south, kun palace southwest, the west against the palace, main northwest dry palace, the temple north, gen palace main northeast.In addition to bearing eight palace, feng shui in the world of science will be in a more precise 24 position to judge good or ill luck.

Fifteen degrees of each azimuth, 24 mountain, known as they are with eight of ten air-dried air-dried (e, f), and the twelve earthly branches, and xun in gossip, kun, dry, gen.

A, sockets, b;Calvin, xun, third;C, noon, d;Not, he, ";Heptyl, unitary, sheen;, dry), hai;I, the son, decyl;Ugly, gen, Yin.

Feng shui in the world of science bases on behalf of the east, and by noon on behalf of the south, the west, represented by "unitary child on behalf of the north, is represented by xun southeast, with he is southwest, is represented by" dry northwest, with gen is northeast.

This is every main mountain, and it tends to another location on both sides., xun, already belongs to the southeast, such as Chen xun was right in the southeast, Chen is in the southeast of towards the east, called by east southeast, and the third is in the southeast of the bias of the south, known as the sse.The rest of the 24 mountain is like this.

By the visible, gossip is divided into 24 mountain, a tube three mountain, relative bearing as follows:

North: "nonyl, son," three mountains, also known as "kangua"

The northeast: "ugly, gen, Yin" three mountains, also known as "gen hexagrams"

East: "a, sockets, b" three mountains, also known as "shake hexagrams"

Southeast: "Chen", xun, have "three mountains, also known as" xun hexagrams"

South: "c, noon, d" three mountains, also known as "sticks"

Southwest: "no, he," "three mountains, also known as" kun hexagrams"

Is: "heptyl, unitary, xin" three mountains, also known as "the eight diagrams"

Northwest: ", dry), hai "three mountains, also known as" the originality"

How to determine the housing to

Through the introduction, friends already know the location of the 24 mountain.You can now go to determine their own house curtilage sitting to the method is:

Find the center of the house curtilage inside, namely wind water science says "pole".On the vertical pole with a compass and other instruments to find housing first south north, according to housing southeast northwest gradually radiate 24 bit line.Professional words can be used over a auxiliary rules draw relevant bearing housing.

House curtilage sitting to judge yourself matters need to be aware of are:

, in fact any sit to include house curtilage sitting to the gate and sit down to two aspects, this is everybody to want to take care of that.

The door and sit down to have the same housing, there are different.Modern urban housing complex shape, sit to particular case is particular analysis.

, generally speaking, the housing of the sat to set by sodium intake, the side to gas area is large.

, villas, usually with house curtilage courtyard house curtilage door to orientation is consistent, buildings are to the balcony.For example, some housing, the sitting room of balcony is very big, so the largest port, shall be made in the balcony to.The door can be treated as air inlet, such as door in geely.

Housing toward problem, is more complex.To meet the requirements of wind water neo-confucianism is house curtilage sitting on, the front is open, around a support, toward the must be able to flourish gas, not the failure of gas.Sometimes need to look at housing of the balcony toward whether to its flourishing gas.

What kind of house curtilage toward Chinese as to?For example in 2004 eight house curtilage, noon to mountain, decyl with ding mountain (sit north to south), ugly mountain not to (sits northeast to southwest), not with ugly mountain (sits southwest to northeast) and sit to all, for the prosperous can nerd gas;Such as nonyl mountain to (sits), ShenShanYin to c (sits southwest toward northeast), unitary mountain bases to west toward the east) : (sitting on the sat is not popular.

Housing the origin and different vertical pole.Vertical pole is the center of gravity of the YangZhai located position, is used for the determination of eight compass and set five lines place, and the origin is the activity for the longest place of origin.

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