Qi and Yin and Yang five elements

Qi and Yin and Yang five elements

There are many types of the implications of the gas, in addition to the usual express the meaning of "air", in the traditional Chinese culture, it often refers to a at present has not yet been known of modern science, the invisible substance "subtle".This "subtle material" is the objective basis and neo-confucianism said, is the basis of the yin-yang &five-element school we unlock the mysterious.

Yin and Yang five elements theory, is called the theory of Yin and Yang and the five elements theory.Yin-yang theory believe that the world we live in is under the interaction of Yin and Yang two gas breeding, development and change of the.Is the so-called "tai chi gave birth to two meter and two meter four elephants, four elephants living gossip".Yin and Yang is not fixed, they will be accompanied by the change of the external conditions and reciprocal transformation.Yin contained in the Yang, can be converted into Yin until when conditions are ripe.Ingredient with Yin in Yang, under certain conditions can be converted into Yin.So, also can be divided into Yin and Yang Yang Yang, in Yin Yin, Yin in Yang and Yang in the four kinds of Yin, in the constant differentiation and generated by changing the world of all things.

Yin and Yang can represent different properties:

To Yang said: hot, just, health, stretch, rich, expensive, the gentleman;

To the Yin said: cold, soft, illness, and flexion, poor and humble person.

Further, we can also use an extension of the concept of Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang are used to describe different stages of "gas".

"The sun be the spirit" : active conditions, plays a dominant role in the development of things aura.

"Yin qi" : in a passive state, the aura of things development plays a secondary role.

Can use the contradiction movement of Yin qi and sun be the spirit to reveal the rules of the development of things which is the traditional Chinese science, such as traditional Chinese medicine, qi gong, astronomy, geography, mathematics, etc, the path of the operation, it is also the basis of the five elements.

Comrade MAO zedong said: "the Chinese ancients' the path to a Yin and Yang", not only the Yin Yang, or only Yang no Yin, it is an ancient two.The shapeGo to schoolIs a little theory."

The source of Chinese culture is"The I ching", Chinese culture is also called hilo-systems culture.Yin and Yang, five elements is our ancestors in contact with all sorts of things and phenomena of practice, through the observation and thinking to establish a philosophical ideology has great influence.It is a kind of simple materialism, spontaneous and dialectic ideas of preliminary factors."A Yin and Yang" way "is the essence of yin-yang theory.Yin and Yang, the five elements is one of our people by the original theory, wide in China's ancient science and technology culture fields.All aspects of the Chinese fengshui all follow this principle.

Man is the soul of the universe, is the vital qi of heaven and earth), qi and is often affected by adults.There are Yin and Yang two gas in the destiny, and success or failure are among the five elements, all objects in the world are inseparable from the Yin and Yang five elements.Man is a YangA womanBelong to Yin, Yin and Yang copulation and into the world.

Everything has a Yin and Yang between the sexes in the world, and is made up of five elements based on the interweavement of Yin and Yang.The human body itself is a microcosm of the world, and the changing of the world should be relatively, by a person's birth year, month, day, when contains Yin and Yang five lines of measurable when the breath of life.Person is composed of five lines of harmony, the five elements in different temperament of the person by his birth is the light of the sun, the earth, the influence of position of the stars of different climate, and other phenomena.Birth of the natural environment is different, the element of air is different also, so have different fate in life.

Numerology of fengshui and the basic principle of neo-confucianism originate from Chinese ancient yi jing, therefore, the five elements of Yin and Yang is no exception.The thinking mode of yi jing is dialectical, give a person with inspiration everywhere.Since the ancient times, in the long river of Chinese history and culture of the zhouyi, as "the first group the first writing", known as "day" of the title.Everything is the total of all cultural source, is the secret endless.Also in the world and the bible, "vedic" is regarded as the world's three big writing.

The book is about the interaction between two forces of Yin and Yang, produce, firm soft phase, all things in it.In numerology and neo-confucianism, will and air-dried, guides and the five elements of Yin and Yang together, common to complete the analysis of the fate of the people.

So, what is the five elements?The five elements including gold, wood, water, fire, earth the five elements.From the philosophical point of view, the ancients thought the material world is composed of the five elements.

Begets the five elements: gold water, aquatic wood, wood, fire, fire generates native gold.

Five lines of mismatched: metal restricting wood, wood, earth, earth, water, water, fire, fire grams of gold.

The meaning of "life" is to support, cooperation and incompatible;

"G" means suppress, rejection, relative.

Therefore, phase and phase grams of computing, fundamentally reveals the interaction relationship between all things, they can be used to detect any who wins who negative between two things, who's who.Phase is auspicious, phase grams is fierce.Again a little bit specific JiaSheng b, b,;A, b, b.

Can also corresponding relationship between the gas in the five elements, namely "gas" the five elements:

Jin chi: represents the universe aura in autumn

Moisture: represents the universe aura in winter

Wood gas: represents the aura of the universe in the spring

Anger: represents the universe aura in the summer

Example: represents the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons when alternate universe aura

Also follow these five lines of aura begets the five elements and five lines phase grams of law, so the ancients introducing concept of five elements in numerology and theory of feng shui, making it a judge the fate of the people and the main basis of the good or ill luck.Further, but also combine of Yin and Yang and five elements, are:

Yin jin qi, Yang jin qi;

Yin qi, Yang qi;

Qi Yin wood, YangMu qi;

Yin fire qi, Yang qi of fire.

Yin earth qi, Yang qi in the soil.

These to judge a person's life and has an important role.Five lines of evolution, a more detailed classification, did not appear, the five elements.

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