How do we know feng shui

How do we know feng shui

In Chinese, there are two words directly been adopted by a foreign language, is a kung fu (kongfu), 2 it is feng shui (fengshui).Feng shui is a xuan of China has a long history, also known as jade, green capsule, more academic theory is called integrity.The foundation from the theory of Yin and Yang five elements, feng shui is a comprehensive science of China, including setting the observation of environment, geography and health history experience.Roughly speaking, fengshui is basically divided into two categories: a physical and numerology.A science is divided into YangZhai comparable to examine and house appointed as;While the numerology covers phrenology,facesLearn, mole microscopy, palmistry, etc.

Neo-confucianism thought, in addition to land and water on the earth, the rest of the space, only the wind in the space.Wind, space, and is in a whole day, fengshui in the wind, as well as air, also on behalf of the space, also contains a day.

A neo-confucianism emphasizes the mountain head and spleen.Anything is advancing with The Times, a house is very popular in the past, along with the change of time, also may not be prosperous.Therefore, choose the residence or office, must be based on numerology and to determine the specific position.Numerology is not try so hard, the unity of the subjective and the objective is a high degree of unity in numerology and, on the basis of any theory only emphasize one side while ignoring the other side is one-sided, andGo to school.

The main functions of numerology are measuring and breaking things.Who is measuring line measurement of numerology, look at a person's health, emotional life such as marriage, career, money how fortunes, including the universiade, small, evil evil, and so on and so forth.Break is concluded that one thing happen development conditions and trend, the degree, the consequences may be.

From the Angle of dialectical materialism, on the one hand, we admit that all things change multiterminal, which fills the world the people and things in the world is full of unpredictable;On the other hand, we can through a variety of forecasting tools and mechanisms, reach to a certain degree and forecasting of a certain range, break out the cause and effect and the inherent law of development.These two aspects is the dialectical unification.

Because of the main functions of numerology are measured and break things, therefore, to know their life and luck, need with the tools of numerology prediction.Of the predicted whether good or bad, good or ill luck, neo-confucianism to regulate and consolidate bits to feng shui, such ability avoid disadvantages.

Visible, feng shui can change destiny and to gain siddhi, this is the ancients to the height of the geomantic learn for sure.Geomantic learn to tell people to comply with the laws of nature, achieve harmony;To optimize the natural environment, so there will be a good Yin YangZhai.Had the good feng shui ji QiGan should with shade, ourselves and future generations can peace and prosperity, Ding Cai you show, buford velocity.If everyone is every family can obtain good feng shui and auspicious, society will because everyone peace happiness and harmony, nation also will because of everyone for every developed harmonious and prosperous society, that is geomantic learn to mankind's greatest contribution.

Feng shui is not everything, feng shui is also affect the life of a kind of strength, feng shui and life is the subject and object, subjective and objective, the relationship between internal cause and external cause, is the dialectical unification relations.

Here I want to say is, feng shui is on our side.Feng shui is almost everywhere, our homes, offices, enterprise strategy, tactics, even a business card can highlight the role of feng shui.

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