Life required life "hidden rules"

Life required life "hidden rules"

Believe that any one person's life, will meet some strange, even absurd things.Someone will frighten se se shiver, someone will disagree, also some people may be puzzled and troubled life.Why?Because nature is too great, and people themselves are too small.Actually, even though we don't know what are the current, but at least we are learning.So, I still took pains with my friends here say: if you met a puzzling thing, or even often occur, such as the nightmare, bad luck, good health, decrease;Or someone appeared suddenly, a warning, error and so on, you will need to think about it.You can along the train of thought to think about the following:

There is a problem, your home?

, your workplace is bad feng shui?

, whether you went to the place where should go and see the shouldn't see?

You have bought an antique, second-hand goods or take something shouldn't go home?

, you have residence in some places of entertainment, hotel inn, others overnight spree?

, if you still wearing the some shouldn't wear jewelry?

You said to the deities, disrespectful words?

, whether there is you in the other people all think that horrible place said bold saying things like, even make some action?

The net name, have you worked on terror?Or on the Internet is wanton bold malicious message?

, have you ever heard strange sounds or seen incredible things?

, have you had a nightmare?

You dream about the late to people started to talk to you?

, do you dream of living with people died suddenly?

, you somehow had some unknown feeling?

, a part of your chart (health, emotion, career, finances, etc.) if all of a sudden bad?

These problems are likely to be the "hidden rules" of a happy life you oh, you have any violation, deja vu?Friends, be sure to remember the advice: nature of many of the "hidden rules" is need our lifetime to adhere to.You abide by the well, natural feeling good luck;Otherwise the consequences will be.The most important is to regulate their own numerology and house curtilage, be careful, is the so-called, caution is ten thousand ship!

Of course, there are a lot of the mystery of the "hidden rules", for example, in the dream dream of what, say what, in the later did happen in real life, it is simply a warning, precursor;And such as originally scheduled to travel by plane, suddenly happened something can't go to, the result has dodged a bullet, because the plane crash.Therefore, pay attention to these "hidden rules", in the life is required for all our life.If you ignore the contempt, even could avoid trouble may follow.

Person's happiness life will have a lot of "hidden rules", here is just the "hidden rules" of nature.Therefore, we need to look up our house curtilage, it not only is your dwelling place, is a kind of "hidden rules", housing is bad luck no good?At the same time, we also should pay attention to our words and deeds, often his destruction, misconduct can easily lead to ShaQi.

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