The most obvious of 4 big household geomantic money

The most obvious of 4 big household geomantic money

In feng shui, by its nature is to build a more conducive to the survival and development environment.After a lot of people bought the new house, always lose money or something outside and if so, you should reflect on, the house has a leak wealth.

1. A lack of Angle

House shape square, without concave and convex, feng shui generally regarded as auspicious curtilage.But today the housing due to factors such as prices, land scarcity, will cause some people to buy not square houses.If that requires attention.

(1) if the location of the missing Angle on house curtilage luck money, can highlight the status of the missing goods, in the cause, I have no savings;

(2) if the location of the missing Angle in the house have money, can highlight the leakage in the condition of the goods, lead to the excessive consumption in the home, very little savings;

(3) if the location of the missing Angle on the wealth of a member in the home, can highlight a member in the condition of the missing goods, lead to personal economic consumption is too large, the pinch, there is no more than gain.

If one of the above three conditions are even more, can affect your finances, or have a lot of unexpected expenses.

2. The door to the window

House is on the door window, also is one of the missing goods.The start will drive the type of the room door, if is on the door window, also known as "drafts", suggests that type will be from into the door, and then go out the window, straight, don't mean to stay, it is difficult to accumulate.

3. The door is opposite gate

If the door is opposite gate sleep, also belong to the pattern of the missing goods, and will be detrimental to the health of the master bedroom, lead to weak.

4. The gate corridor door into a straight line

If the door, corridor and the door into a straight line, is also frustrated the pattern of the missing goods, if the room window is on the line, then the status of the goods will be more serious leakage.

The most obvious of 4 big household geomantic money related content

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