Attention should be paid to the 10 feng shui elements

Attention should be paid to the 10 feng shui elements

People's living quality is and residential housing, affect the house there are many factors of the good or ill luck, presently summarizes 10 major factors:

1. The original belong to the cultivated land, crops and the ground is not yet ripe or before harvest, immediately fill foundation, bury crop in the ground to build a house, this will give housing built by buried the curse.

Above 2. Building in road (even) the house was ominous, because the road is for everybody to use, for a long time for all to see, induction force is very strong, suddenly to build a house, house curtilage the person is likely to come down, or strange disease healed well.

3. Such as in situ is paddy field, low-lying, or low-lying place, need to fill up to build a house.But if you don't pay attention to fill, fill is not clean dirt, especially to fill with rubbish, that's rubbish, live on in the future may affect health and luck.

4. If the foundation is a place in the ancient, without properly will it buried, living in the land within the building construction of people may have to the eyes and ears.In addition, if the forest building house, the tree roots must be removed, because the roots are long up, put it buried in the ground, on behalf of no way out, otherwise the in house guest induction is doomed, late or good luck.

5. Built on the unmarked burial mounds of housing is only suitable for like the military, schools and other units to use, as residents housing use, may be dangerous.

6. Similarly, built housing in slaughterhouses, due to kill too much, the foundation is not clean, murders gathered themselves together, and can make housing in produce the feeling of unease.

7. Move in and not also unlucky nativity, a housewarming must pay attention to date, in addition to good day ji, also need to avoid the house curtilage master animal sign and cream.Set a wrong or no date and ground buildings, will affect later in the fortunes of the people, like people born in that hour, will influence the development of the person in the future life.

8. If the house has been murder, suicide, within as it has been in the house or a murder occurred, even natural death, etc., so may the house ghosts do not come loose, it will make the house into a haunted, be badly in need of nursing is advisable.

9. Some families because of population increase, housing twoThe toiletInto a bedroom or study, etc., in a sleep in this room should be restless sleep and more disease, the study work will be badly affected.Because upstairs downstairs toilets are in the same place, impurity, up and down the people caught in the middle, natural ShaQi is great.

10. Housing projects on the back is "sit", while the front is "to".House sits to should be a straight line, therefore "sit north" must have "south", and "sit east" must "to the west".Many people feel confusion, mistake to sit to the window.Windows to the south, they think that is the house of the south;The window to the west, and thought it was to the west of the building.Actually is house curtilage sitting to the gate shall prevail.Feng shui master to remind note: if a house sit to kyrgyzstan, the prosperous New Year.But if I cannot be satisfactory to both sides, so what is important to "sit"?Or is it "to" important?

Feng shui master said "sit" is the foundation;Sitting in geely's azimuth, and sitting in fierce orientation was fierce.While "to" adjust more easily, even to the bad direction, to change is also not difficult."Sit" is a coordinate, not arbitrary, so most of the time the so-called change to feng shui, is often the redirection is not to sit, so that you can avoid big engineering.

Good luck to tip

The good or ill luck of housing is influenced by many factors, geomantic effect exists objectively, actually is a kind of "nature and man effect" phenomenon, it is not static, will be affected by the housing around and have a, will be affected by the housing owners.Those who want to home buyers or already bought (rented) the house curtilage friends, take care of your "nest".Your luck is good or bad, the health and happiness are closely associated with it, absolutely not paralysis, the adjustment will be adjusted.

Attention should be paid to the 10 feng shui elements

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