Rental of feng shui 9 big taboo

Rental of feng shui 9 big taboo

Due to the development of modern society, many people start to work from, or in order to work convenient, need to rent other people's houses, as his living or the office place.At the time of rental housing, must pay attention to the following several aspects to be able to master.

1. Don't just keen on gaining petty advantages

Below the market price of the house, there will be adverse market factors, and the conditions of the charter party.If the house is in geomantic go up to have disadvantages, have killed people, or structure has a problem, etc.

2. Laofang lives carefully

The house was too old, long time, must have had too many people live under in the past, due to various aspects of interpersonal relationships will accumulate a lot of complaints on the inside of a house, long live the vulnerable.

3. The paper

House if see operator, paper to judge is auspicious, for money or avoid evil spirit spirits, if it is to avoid evil spirit of devils, whatever the landlord excuse, it's best not to live in, in order to avoid trouble killed the cat.

4. Not a patient and his family

If the room has a severe patients, or share with landlord, the landlord's home have a prolonged illness or serious illness, it is best not to move in, lest make noxious gas, failure body.

5. Not feng shui

If feng shui bearing has a lot of problems also shoulds not be rented, for example, the window is cut down "" day" every Angle of evil spirit "evil spirit" "probe" one thousand eyes ", such as indoor have "wear heart evil spirit" beam "evil spirit" and so on, the door has a "road" "hedge" against the bow water ", etc., are not very suitable for living, so as not to influence the development of his career.

6. Your graveyard

Housing is best not to rely on the cemetery cemetery, had better to have more than one hundred km distance, it is best not to have a dim and narrow corridor.Near the cemetery cemetery houses around the house such as popular, pour is not committed to ShaQi;Such as housing get too close to the graveyard, and desolate, it is best not to live in.

7. The house is better daylighting sex

Housing is too dark, Yin qi is too heavy, easy to move;Daytime window still dark house, house belong to Yin qi sheng, sun be the spirit is insufficient place, ordinary people had better live less.Yin qi, disorderly god of the Lord, to live such a ghost house fetch evil melee, especially living in the house of unknown origin, dark.Generally speaking, people rent a house outside, in the desire discontent, confusion, brokenhearted, the mood is low, is the most easy to bump evil, therefore, choose the light good house, to keep the mind pure sunshine, is I have turned the way!

8. Don't live solitary house

Solitary curtilage, refers to the housing around only you a housing;Or in a building, only you a family;Because of less Yin qi, this isolated place, is unfavorable to live.

9. No mountains and waters

Rent house best even sewage river gutter to dodge, because these places dirty, easy to diseases;In terms of terrain, this place is also presented more than sun be the spirit of place, unless it is a family live, single live alone, otherwise easy to recruit evil!

Good luck to tip

Some friends often ask such a question: whether to rent a house to also consider feng shui?Actually rent or buy a house is to consider feng shui, because as long as you live in the house for a period of time, will be affected by the aura of the house.So-called "the solitary Yang is not long, Yin alone is not born", so, good daylighting sex, balcony facing south house is a good choice.

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