Yuelao LingQian 4 sign in

Yuelao LingQianThe fourth sign in

Yuelao LingQian 4 sign of success

Sign the poem: and, and has the disease;Has, and has the disease.

Sign: one is disease.The trouble.A fetish.Even the sage in the training before I get home.Fault and negligence.Is not free.

The old adage: knowledge can change, be not.Like if a man has a disease without cream.Will be recovered.

Note: err, who would be free, can know a change, party a can issue

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Everybody have a hobby and habit.Can create barriers to get along with each other, if can self "move to mend the good".Feelings can start again.As a disease must be delayed when the medical treatment will be recovered.

Get this sign is poor fate.Suspicion of breath struggle hard to avoid.A variety of futian.Ask the fate, not auspicious.Ask the marriage, your breath.

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